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Malaya, from the slums of Manila, can go to school thanks to Globewise

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Globewise is een Nederlandse goede doelen organisatie, een zogenaamde NGO (non-gouvernementele organisatie) met de focus op educatie. Globewise stelt zich tot doel om meer kinderen en jongeren in ontwikkelingslanden toegang te geven tot onderwijs. Onderwijs helpt om persoonlijke ambities mogelijk te maken, welzijn te vergroten en de maatschappij te versterken. Kinderen en jongeren die in armoede opgroeien krijgen door het volgen van onderwijs meer kans om de armoedespiraal waarin zij zitten te doorbreken. Beter voor hen en voor hun toekomstige kinderen. Steunen van onderwijs is een toekomstbestendige manier van ontwikkelingshulp. Duurzaam en dus Futureproof! Globewise is transparant en betrouwbaar, dat bewijst ons CBF keurmerk.



About Globewise

We believe that every person has the right to education. The Globewise (NGO) was founded by Robert and Marinel van Zanten in 2016. Robert van Zanten is an educational entrepreneur and founder of the NCOI Group. Globewise supports projects involved in education and offers children and young people aged between 4 to 20, growing up in poverty, the prospect of a better future.

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Our projects are located in countries with great economic and social disadvantages, primarily in Africa and Asia. In all projects we strive for better training opportunities and aim to improve the quality of education. To find out more about our projects, read on.

How you can help

You can help us by making a donation. This can be easily done by clicking on the button below. Of course there are other ways in which you can help us and we would be happy to talk to you about these possibilities. Send us an email and we will get in touch. 

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Future proof

Nelson Mandela once said “Education is the most powerful weapon to change the world.” Investing in education changes lives and for children living in poverty, education is a way out of the poverty spiral. Young people with an education have a greater chance of a much improved quality of life, and not only they, but also the generations to come, benefit from this! A lot of research shows that investing in education is the most effective and sustainable way of aiding development. Development aimed at improving future generations is what Globewise stands for. Future proof!


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